Panel 1: Rorie holds her chin in her hand, grinning as she says, "And you got to make an idiot of yourself in front of him again! Just like old times!" Denver answers, "Heh. Yeah."

Panel 2: Rorie pushes herself off the table to standing. She says, "Alright, well. I’m off. I gotta wake up early to watch Austin tomorrow while Deirdre meets with Family Services."

Panel 3: Rorie looks over her shoulder. She says, "You coming?" Denver answers, "Nah. I’m gonna stay a while more." Rorie replies, "Suit yourself. Don't drink too much."

Panel 4: A close up of Denver, looking away as Rorie tells him, "Just do me a favor and stay out of trouble. 'Night, Denver."

Panel 5: THEN. A skateboarder rides down a residential Chicago street, the silhouette of Willis Tower off in the far distance. Slushy snow runs in streaks in the same direction as tire tracks. A light blue, wood-paneled house pulls visual focus among the low-lying single family homes on the right side of the street.

Page 19


It's everyone's (including my) favorite panel!!


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