Panel 1: With his head resting on the top of the couch's backrest, Denver stairs up at the ceiling silently.

Panel 2: The same panel repeats, only now all we can see is Denver's face.

Panel 3: The same panel again, only now it's just his eye.

Panel 4: Denver sits up suddenly and reaches into his inner jacket pocket, even though it requires some use of his arm that's in the sling. He says, "Fuck it," with a grimace.

Panel 5: Denver's hand dials on an old Nokia phone. The non-backlit screen reads that it's calling a 'Margot.'

Panel 6: Denver holds the phone to his ear with his good arm, looking worried. The line rings. Above Denver loom the exposed ceiling beams and pipes that crowd his loft's ceiling.

Panel 7: A CLICK, followed by someone answering, "Hello?" through the phone. Denver looks surprised as he shouts, "Margot!"