Panel 1: William is slightly taller than Daniel, and looks down at him with a smirk. He says, "Well, you're cute."

Panel 2: Daniel listens with a small frown as William continues, "Not fat, not femme... "

Panel 3: William finishes, " we can let Asian slide." Daniel looks away, but says nothing.

Panel 4: The late afternoon winter sunlight is weak behind William, who says, "Haven’t seen you on the Craigslist personals before. You new in town?"

Panel 5: Daniel finally responds, "Sort of. I'm from here, but I was living on the West Coast for the past six years. I just moved back." William crosses his arms and replies, "Oh yeah? Welcome home, then."

Panel 6: William's smile is mostly a smirk as he asks, "How about you take me back to your place so I can give you a proper homecoming."


Page 13

SMALL EDIT: My site's RSS feed continues to be giving a lot of people trouble; I'm looking into fixing it! In the meantime, if you saved my RSS feed around the 23rd or 24th of last week, I put the WRONG URL back then which might be contributing to some of your problems! Try switching your feed reader to (comic no longer being plural in the url) and if that still doesn't work, I will continue to troubleshoot!) I had hoped we left "no fats, no femmes, no Asians" behind in the 00s/10s, but when this page went up on Patreon, one of my patrons told me they still run into it on apps today which is supremely disappointing. (If the people who write that want to live a boring flavorless life, I guess, go ahead. The rest of us will be out here feasting. ?) Anyway, thanks for tuning in this week! I suppose it's a good time to reveal that Keeping Time is told in two timelines; the Now that progresses forward in time, like usual, and the Then that continuously progresses backwards. You could say it's a comic that's really.... keeping time. (NO don't leave I promise I'll be better--)