Panel 1: Daniel smiles hesitantly as he says, "...Sure, but I thought the point of you having me choose a restaurant to meet at was because you wanted to eat first."

Panel 2: The Chinese restaurant they're standing in front of has turned all its lights on in the fading daylight. William puts his hands on his hips as he says, "Cute. No, I just like to get a read on you Craigslist guys before we go somewhere private."

Panel 3: Daniel gestures towards the restaurant as he answers, "Then let me go tell the hostess they don't have to hold a table for us after all."

Panel 4: His hands still on his hips, William glances up at the Chinese restaurant sign. He says, "It's not your family's place?"

Panel 5: Daniel's smile is strained. He replies, dryly, "...No? This is just a place that's actually open today, since it's. You know. New Year’s Day."

Panel 6: William crosses his arms. He's frowning disdainfully as he answers, "If that's the case, then why bother? Just leave it."

Page 14

This comic page is the equivalent of being asked, "but where are you REALLY from?" (If you're Asian diaspora, I know you know.) Also, a small note: if you use RSS readers, and the Keeping Time RSS isn't working for you and is only showing old comments, you might have the old, incorrect url. To fix it, you just have to manually update the Keeping Time RSS feed in your feed reader to the correct url, which is: If you're a new webcomic reader and are wondering to yourself, "what the heck is an RSS reader," it's a great way to aggregate all your favorite webcomics in one place. Jey Pawlik made a great comic explaining what they are and how to use them! Anyway, thank you all for making this an incredible second week. See you next Tuesday!