Panel 1: Now alone, the nude man looks towards the window above his bed, from which the sunlight streams in. The narration reads, "I'm sure you have."

Panel 2: For the first time, we see the nude man's face. This is Daniel Akutagawa, a Japanese American man in his early 20s. He has dark hair he keeps just above his eyebrows, and wears silver earrings. The sunlight of the window illuminates his face. Behind him, an electric Fender guitar sits on a stand in front of a dresser. The narration reads, "It's frustrating, isn't it?"

Panel 3: Daniel's mirrored reflection washes his face. "The way it just repeats..."

Panel 4: "...over and over." Daniel pulls on a buttoned shirt...

Panel 5: ...and laces his shoes (which are Converse high-tops).

Panel 6: Now fully dressed with a backpack slung over his shoulder, Daniel exits his apartment building, his figure obscuring the sunlight that enters through the open door. The narration finishes, "And why is it never the full song that gets stuck in your head? It's always just one refrain or so."

Page 2

Hello, all! Thank you for being here! This moment has been so, so long in the making, I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that it's finally here. I'm Kody, the cartoonist behind Keeping Time. You're about to start reading a project that I've spent the past two years developing. This will be a long-form story about grief and tragedy and music, and above all, love. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy creating it. If you want a sneak peek at pages way before they're released here, you can get early access over at Patreon. (Patrons are currently up to chapter 2 and 45 pages in...!) Otherwise, stick around for twice weekly updates, every Tuesday and Thursday at PT (UTC-7) 10:00am!