Panel 1: Now standing in front of the sink, Denver rolls up his sleeves as he listens to the conversation happening at the kitchen table. Niamvh (off-panel) asks, "Rorie, is that true? Did you get a text from your brother and forget to tell us?" A sister (very likely Teagan) coos, "Ooooh! Rorie’s in trouble!"

Panel 2: Rorie slouches on the dining table, looking sad, pouty, and adorable as she says, "I might have… I'm sorry... You got me this fancy new phone, but it’s wasted on me."

Panel 3: Niamh frowns, saying, "Aurora! It’s not wasted on you! You deserve a good phone." Rorie answers, "Thanks, ma." Teagan takes a sip from her wine-glass, one eyebrow raised. Teagan says dryly, "Wow. Must be nice to be the baby of the family. The baby NEVER gets in trouble." Deirdre smiles as she replies, "Poor Denver. He never got a fair chance to compete for that title, even though he's the actual youngest."

Panel 4: Niamh smiles as she says, "Oh, Denver never wanted to be babied." Behind her, we can see several picture frames containing family photos.

Panel 5: A close up of Niamh, the picture frames behind her coming into focus. She continues, "He's too much like your dad for that."

Panel 6: Off-panel, Niamh finishes, "Your father would be so proud of how well he takes care of us all." One photo in particular comes into close-up, of Denver and his late father. His father is young, resembles Denver, but has a large bushy mustache and is wearing a blue coveralls. A very young Denver in velcro shoes rests is carried on his father's shoulders, his little arms outstretched wide as he grins wide.

Page 22

When he was 6, Denver once tried pulling the sad, pouty face Rorie always uses to get out of trouble.

He still got sent to his room. (Well, their room. He's always shared with Rorie!)