Page 27 of Keeping Time

Panel 1: Denver is looking at Daniel like he wants to say something...

Panel 2: ...But he doesn't. He glances away.

Panel 3: Denver offers a small smile. He says, "Hey, I get it."

Panel 4: A close-up of the boys shoes. Denver's skate shoes (that resemble Vans) are illuminated from the left, by the cold, blue light of the alley at night. Daniel's sneakers (which look like Converse high-tops) are lit from the warm glow coming from the light above the piano bar exit. Denver says, "If I made it out of here... …I wouldn’t want to come back either."

Panel 5: Daniel offers another hopeful smile, similar to the one he gave Denver in the piano bar when Denver saved them both from embarrassment by asking for a song request.

Panel 6: Denver leans slightly towards Daniel as he asks, "How was Seattle, anyway? You gotta tell me all about it." Daniel takes a drag from his cigarette, his other arm wrapped around himself, almost defensively. He answers, "Oh, uh… well. What do you want to know?"

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