Page 28 of Keeping Time

Panel 1: The boys sit at the bottom of the staircase as the panel stretches up, taking up the entire page to reveal a tangle of fire escapes above them, and more buildings in the distance. Denver leans in towards Daniel as they have a back and forth exchange, their word balloons climbing like a ladder down the page. Denver: "Well… I guess, how was school? You’re graduated now?" Daniel: "Oh, yeah. It was... Fine?" Denver: "What did you end up studying? Did you get to do architecture...?" Daniel: "Ah... no. That... that didn't work out. I majored in Math." Denver: "Math…? Like… just. Math?" Daniel: "Heh, yeah. Then I got my M.A. in Economics." Denver: "Oh, wow. Okay. That sounds… cool. Very fun." Daniel: "Oh, it really wasn’t."

Panel 2: The rapid back-and-forth is broken now with a close-up of Denver laughing. He's saying, "I was trying to be polite, man! That sounds hard and boring as hell." Off-panel, Daniel replies, "Mm, yeah. That's a more accurate description of it."

Panel 3: Denver smiles brightly as he asks, "You still play bass?" Daniel smiles wistfully, looking towards the ground. He answers, "Nah. Not anymore. Just guitar these days."

Panel 4: A close-up of Daniel's alarmed reaction as Denver says, off-panel, "No shit? Dude! The band’s still going strong, and we’re looking for a vocalist and rhythm guitarist. You should swing by practice one of these days!"

Page 28

It's been a bit strange, posting these first pages because I worked on them so long ago. (September through December of last year!) There's so much I would do differently if I were to draw these pages now, and some panels that I sort of cringe looking at because I know I could do better, BUT. That's not how I feel about this page. This page came out exactly how I hoped it would, and I'm really excited to finally share it with you all.

Also, as a heads up - we're almost finished with Chapter 1! There's only three pages left...! Once Chapter 1 ends, we'll be going on a two-week hiatus, and will come back in swinging in July!