Page 29 of Keeping Time

Panel 1: Daniel stands up abruptly, a fist clenched, turned away from Denver. He says, in bold letters, "I have to go."

Panel 2: Denver looks concerned or confused. He starts, "Already? But--"

Panel 3: A close-up of Daniel's face, turned away, so we see nothing but his ear and jaw. He says, "It was good to see you, Denver."

Panel 4: Denver starts to get up, too. He looks worried. He says, "Daniel, wait, if I said something wrong--"

Panel 5: Daniel has walked away. Far behind him, Denver is looking down at a phone in his hand.

Panel 6: Daniel pauses walking, because something from the bottom of the panel is making the sound effect 'BZZT ZZT ZZT.' In the far distance, Denver is holding his phone to his ear.

Page 29

Chapter 1 is nearly finished...! We'll be going on a two-week hiatus once this chapter wraps up, but we'll be back on July 16th! (Mark your calendars or, better yet, add us to your RSS feed so you don't miss the return! I've mentioned it before, but Jey Pawlik made a great comic explaining what RSS readers are, which you can read here

If you're looking for something to read while Keeping Time is on break, can I interest you in the newly launched LGBTQ+ paranormal mystery, Into the Smoke by Bob Appavu? 

Banner with the text Into the Smoke. The image shows Blaze summoning Alastor, a dark, smoky ghost, who holds the medium while inhaling his breath.

Spirit medium Blaze is a disaster at life but an expert at death. As a self-proclaimed "spirit therapist," he’s ushered hundreds of souls into the light—without a single loss to the smoke.

But when he discovers Alastor, the vengeful ghost of a murdered hitman, he’s forced to bind himself to the spirit to contain him. Father Judd, Blaze’s unlikely ally and long-time crush, warns him that he’s toying with forces beyond his control—but Blaze is happy to risk his own soul if it means saving another.

The longer Alastor stays in the living realm, the deeper the smoke threatens to corrupt him. But as Blaze races against time to solve his murder, he learns that Alastor isn’t the only one looking for a new victim.

Into the Smoke launched last month and is three episodes in, and it's already one of my favorite webcomics. (As a fun common thread, Into the Smoke also takes place in Chicago, like Keeping Time!!) There's also spicier versions of some public episodes over on Bob's Patreon! If you prefer to read your webcomics on Webtoons or Tapas, Into the Smoke is also mirrored there, with the main site being a few updates ahead of either mirror!