Panel 1: Daniel stands up abruptly, a fist clenched, turned away from Denver. He says, in bold letters, "I have to go."
Panel 2: Denver looks concerned or confused. He starts, "Already? But--"
Panel 3: A close-up of Daniel's face, turned away, so we see nothing but his ear and jaw. He says, "It was good to see you, Denver."
Panel 4: Denver starts to get up, too. He looks worried. He says, "Daniel, wait, if I said something wrong--"
Panel 5: Daniel has walked away. Far behind him, Denver is looking down at a phone in his hand.
Panel 6: Daniel pauses walking, because something from the bottom of the panel is making the sound effect 'BZZT ZZT ZZT.' In the far distance, Denver is holding his phone to his ear.