Page 38 of Keeping Time

Panel 1: The narration reads, "...more than my courage ever did." A close-up of Daniel's hands as he begins to play the piano. White lines symbolizing the sound of music flow through and behind them.

Panel 2: A silent panel. Daniel's face is serene as he sings into the microphone. He's still wearing his yellow, fur-lined winter parka. The music lines sway in the space behind him.

Panel 3: A close-up of Elena's lips as she smiles. The lines of music pass behind her as well.

Panel 4: Daniel has stopped playing, and turns in his seat to better face Elena. He has both his hands in his lap as he asks, "Well. Uh. Should I play another?"

Panel 5: Elena's smile is huge as she begins to answer, "Sure should..."

Page 39

I've mentioned it on Patreon but I am absolutely going to license Certain Songs for use in Keeping Time, but I don't have an unlimited budget for that so I gotta be so selective (😭), so although you can't see it here, the song Daniel is auditioning with is very likely "Heroes" by David Bowie. Next week starts my favorite little arc so far because the rest of the Tennyson boys are incoming...! If you wanna know a little bit more about them, you can check out the Characters page to get to know them ahead of time. Finally, I got to chat with comic artist and podcaster Don Cardenas on his Comics - Coffee - Metal podcast all about Keeping Time! That episode just came out last week, so you can give it a listen here, or if you prefer the video version, you can watch it here! We spend almost the entire episode answering reader-submitted questions, the favorite of which wanted to know if I've ever made the Keeping Time characters in The Sims, haha!! A promotional graphic for the podcast COMICS COFFEE METAL. It features Kodyy's drawn profile picture overlaid against the Keeping Time logo. Beneath that, the circular COMICS COFFEE METAL logo written in a cool death metal-esque font sits next to text that reads "EP #140 KODY OKAMOTO"