Panel 1: Daniel's at an open-air train platform. A crowd of folks of all ages stand in the weak afternoon winter sunlight. Daniel's off to the side, in the shade. He's wearing another fur-lined winter parka (this one is full-length and green). He seems to be holding a phone. Narration reads, "I think what scared me most..."

Panel 2: A close-up of Daniel's flip phone in his hand. He's looking through his Phonebook.

Narration continues, "...was letting someone in close enough..."

Panel 3: An even closer shot of Daniel's phone, so we can clearly read his screen. His contacts read, "Alex, Dad, Denver (whose name is highlighted), Elena (Bar)."

Panel 4: Daniel, in close-up, is distressed. Narration finishes, " catch a glimpse of who I really was."

Panel 5: Daniel quickly snaps his phone shut. The time on it reads 5:51.

Panel 6: Daniel holds his now shut phone in one hand, bringing that hand to rest against his mouth. He looks off to the side. Narration adds, "I was so afraid that if they did..."

Page 44

And we're back to our regular, once-a-week on Tuesdays schedule. In case you missed it, there were actually two updates last week! Here's Page 42 and Page 43. I don't have too much to add to this week's page, so I wanted to take this time to thank you all so much for reading Keeping Time. Seeing familiar faces (well, display names and profile pictures!) in the comments here genuinely lifts my spirits so much, haha!