Page 58 of Keeping Time

Panel 1: Denver listens to Margot speak on the phone, his mouth set, eyes downcast. He looks quietly anguished as he hears her say, "Look, Denver. There's being a hero, and then there's what YOU did."

Panel 2: Margot folds one arm across herself. Off-panel, Denver starts to say, "Margot, please--", but she cuts him off. "Stop, Denver. Just stop."

Panel 3: Back in Denver and Tomás's apartment, Denver is still sitting on the couch in his living room, his phone to the ear. Margot continues, "A lot of people find broken boys attractive."

Page 59

The saddest Denver I've drawn to date :( And now for some footnotes, now that we've gotten a good look of Denver and Tomás's apartment:
  • Their apartment is in one of those old lofts that someone hastily converted into residences, and the walls of their "rooms" and bathroom don't actually extend all the way to the ceiling which is, uh, not GREAT for privacy
  • The posters in their living room are, from left to right: a Los Crudos poster (it's not a coincidence the first channel on Denver's TV is a Crudos video!), an Evil Dead poster (if you want to know what Denver and Tomás get up to as roommates, it's mostly drinking and watching horror movies), and a Hi-Standard album (probably Tomás's choice)
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