Panel 1: Daniel, the performer, has switched on. He smiles casually as he says, "Evening, folks. How we feeling tonight?"

Panel 2: We see Daniel now from behind, where he sits in front of the piano, bathed in the blue stage light. A man in the front row of the crowd hollers, "Play 'Don't Stop Believing!'"

Panel 3: Off-panel, Daniel answers, "Sure, if you have a song ticket for that midnight train." Elena the bartender is listening to this, and chuckles to herself.

Panel 4: Behind her, a voice calls, "'Scuse me!" Elena turns around, smiling as she answers, "What can I get you?"

Panel 5: Denver Leary, a blonde punk with a neck tattoo and gauged ears leans on the counter. Behind him, the blue light of the stage mixes with the warmer light of the bar. He smiles easily as he answers, "Whatever you recommend."

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