Page 61 of Keeping Time

Panel 1: Denver and Tomás stand on opposite sides of the entrance to the pub. Denver has his hands in his jacket pocket defensively, jaw set as he listen to Tomás. Tomás ducks his head, his shoulders drawn up to his ears, as he says carefully, "Like, don't get me wrong. I think it'd be cool to see Daniel again, and it'd be even cooler if he agreed to come back, but... really think that's the right call?"

Panel 2: Denver snarls, teeth bared, his shout in a large, scratchy font: "I KNOW!!"

Panel 3: To this outburst, Tomás doesn't react much outside of steeling his gaze.

Panel 4: Denver covers his nose and mouth with his hands, squeezing his eyes shut as he tries to collect himself. His fingertips dig into his browline. He says, "(hff) ...Sorry. I just. I know, okay? You don't gotta ask me."

Panel 4: The boys appear small as they stand facing each other on the street corner, illuminated by the warm lights of the bar. Denver rubs at his left shoulder with his right hand and says, "I know it's a long shot, and maybe it's a really bad idea. But I... I have to try."

Page 61