Page 65 of Keeping Time

Panel 1: Back on stage, Daniel's smile is wide as he sings into the microphone. Denver continues slowly, "I think Daniel would rather forget I even exist at all."

Panel 2: Elena's face is impassive as she listens. Denver goes on, "Which is why I wanted to trouble you about that message? Could you tell him for me…"

Panel 3: Denver smiles sadly at the floor. In three separate dialogue balloons, he says, "'I'm sorry.' 'I'm still here.' 'Please call me.'"

Panel 4: With an apologetic smile, Denver rubs at his nose. He begins to say, "Sorry. That’s kind of a lot to ask--" but Elena cuts him off. She leans forward, hands braced against the edge of the countertop, her face serious. She interrupts, "Listen. I can’t tell you everything without breaking bartender-customer confidentiality or whatever… but Daniel might want to talk to you more than you think."

Page 65