Page 66 of Keeping Time

Panel 1: From the last page, Elena continues, “If you want him to hear that message… stick around until we close and tell him yourself.” Daniel looks out at the the crowd of folks enjoying drinks, conversations, and his music. Directly in front of him, Denver sits alone at a table, his chin propped up on his fist as he listens.

Panel 2: Denver's smile is wistful as he gazes up at Daniel on stage.

Panel 3: Daniel's eyes are wide as he spots Denver, but this doesn't stop him from singing.

Panel 4: It does, however, make him smile a little bashfully.

Panel 5: Just the boys' figures take up the space, as if the rest of the room doesn't exist. Daniel smiles down at his hands, and Denver smiles up at Daniel's face. From before, Elena finishes, “Don’t give up on him just yet.”

Page 66

We've only got three updates after this one before Chapter 2 comes to a close...! 

Keeping Time will be going on a two-week break the week of Christmas and New Year's, BUT you folks are in such luck, because we've got some incredible guest comics lined up for those two weeks. 👀