Page 69 of Keeping Time Page 70 of Keeping Time

Panel 1: The negative space of the comic which is normally white is now a dark, claustrophobic purple. Daniel looks crestfallen that Denver is gone.

Panel 2: Daniel's initial shock has worn off, and he looks down, resigned.

Panel 3: Daniel squeezes his eyes shut. The narration reads, "The reassurance that who I am is enough…"

Page 70: The narration concludes, "…if just for that one song."

Page 69 + 70

...And that's a wrap on Chapter 2: Pagan Baby

Keeping Time debuted on April 23 of this year, which means we've been going for just shy of 8 months now. It's kind of hard to believe! Thank you all for giving this comic a chance. It's been so gratifying to begin laying all the foundations for everything that's yet to come, and best of all, getting to see all your reactions to it! To anyone who's ever interacted with Keeping Time, whether that's been comments here, on Bluesky, or on Tumblr, just -- thank you so much. You make all of this work worth it.

Chapter 3 will be starting on Tuesday, January 7th, returning us to a once-a-week-on-Tuesdays update schedule for the foreseeable future. (But don't forget to come back next Thursday and the Thursday after that for the great guest comics we've got lined up...!)

Once again, I'll leave you again with the track this chapter is named after. Maybe the lyrics will hit a little harder that Chapter 2's wrapped...

See you next week Thursday for our first guest comic!