Page 79 of Keeping Time

Panel 1: A lifelong skateboarder, Denver's natural reaction to getting caught loitering is to bail. He leaps up to his feet upon seeing Elena, making a quiet 'ack' sound as he does. In a playful, flower-shaped dialogue balloon, Elena says, "Whoopsy daisy!"

Panel 2: Elena smiles and waves. "I guess you're not out here freezing your ass off for ME, huh?"

Panel 3: Denver starts to say something, but is cut off by Elena laying a hand on his shoulder as she passes him by. With her eyes closed, she declares sagely, "Don't worry slugger. He's right behind me." He looks at her, smiling through his confusion.

Panel 4: Daniel, now carrying all the trash bags that were left in the doorway, looks off to the side as he starts to say, "Sorry, Elena, I didn't catch that. Were you saying something--?"

Panel 5: A beat as Daniel brings his gaze to Denver's direction.

Page 79

A lifetime of skateboarding means Denver's initial reaction to getting caught loitering somewhere is a flight response. 😌

Some small announcements:

  • There's now a "Gift Art Gallery" in the Extras page of all the incredible fan art and gift art I've received of Keeping Time characters...! Clicking on a piece will take you that piece on each artists' social media, if available. Thank you so much to everyone who has drawn the boys (and Elena)! The Gift Art Gallery is truly my treasure box, haha!
  • There's finally a small image reward for voting for Keeping Time on Top Web Comics. I shan't spoil it, and you can vote once every 24 hours to see it, haha!
  • And in case you missed it last week, there's now a 9-min video essay about Keeping Time from Just Emerald! Perfect to share with your video-lovin' friends who might be interested in checking out this webcomic we got going on here. And finally...

We're two months away from Keeping Time's first year anniversary! I! Do not know how this happened!! I can't believe it's been almost a year since Keeping Time launched publicly and we're almost 80 pages in. Man, time flies!

I want to do something big and fun to celebrate this milestone, but I haven't settled on what exactly I'll be doing for it. I've got a bunch of ideas, I just need to narrow them down to what I can actually squeeze in between this, ECCC, a family reunion, and working on chapter 4 pages. As soon as I'm done typing this, I'll be off to give that a ponder...