Panel 1: Rorie continues quickly, "And before you start, we were here as friends." Denver flashes a thumbs up as he says, "Understood. You’re both in denial." Rorie smashes her hand over Denver's face as she exclaims, "Oh my god, you’re such a little shit."

Panel 2: Now free of Rorie's hand, Denver leans back in his chair as he says, "Okay, okay. Sorry. Go on. You and Javi. Here as 'friends.'"

Panel 3: Rorie also leans back in her chair to answer, while Denver listens patiently. Behind them, the crowd of the piano bar enjoys the performance. Rorie says, "Yeah. Honestly, Javi and I didn’t even talk that much. We were too busy enjoying the music. No matter what sort of song request it was, the pianist could play it all."

Panel 4: Daniel plays at the piano, oblivious to the conversation they're having as Rorie goes on, "You know, the pianist sort of reminds me of someone."

Panel 5: Daniel tosses his head back as he sings. Rorie continues, "Like I’ve heard him somewhere before? He almost sounds like…"

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