Page 80 of Keeping Time

Page 80
Panel 1: A large, silent panel of Denver bathed in the cold, blue light of the alleyway at night. He sticks one hand in his pocket. He's since added a pair of fingerless gloves and a beanie to be marginally warmer since we've seen him last. With the cigarette hanging out of the corner of one mouth, he waves, a little bashfully.

Panel 2: Elena's grin is huge as she chuckles.

Panel 3: A panel equally large as Denver's, Daniel stands motionless near the closing door of the piano bar, his expression soft but not without some surprise and worry.

Page 80





...OKAY SORRY, I feel bad that this is such a silent update. While I am still trying to teach myself to embrace these quieter pauses, since that's how the story is meant to be read, I am also a webcomic reader myself and am keenly aware of the pain-pleasure (pleasure-pain?) of waiting for new updates, so. I'm gonna push out a second update this week on Thursday! Aren't you lucky!! Tune back in this Thursday, March 6th, at 9am PT for Page 81! (Don't worry, I'll be blasting reminders about it on social media, and by social media, I, of course, mean "mostly Bluesky.")

See you on Thursday for the boys finally talking at last!!*

*Probably. I make no promises.