Page 81 of Keeping Time

Panel 1: Denver has closed the distance between himself and Daniel. In lieu of a verbal greeting, Denver's gone straight to taking the trash bags Daniel's been carrying. He pauses as he reaches for the last one, a small 'hm?' as an aside. Daniel, for his part, hasn't moved, and doesn't seem to realize what Denver is doing. Halting, Daniel asks, "You've... you've been out here this whole time...?"

Panel 2: Denver lifts the lid of a dumpster easily, his cigarette dangling from one side of his mouth as he answers, "Oh. I mean, I dropped in on the pizza place next door for a slice, too."

Panel 3: Elena's face is unamused as she scoffs, "Ugh, Zoe's? This is THEIR trash. They always leave it blocking the fire exit."

Panel 4: Denver tosses a bag into the now open dumpster, laughing. "Haha! Sorry to support that, then." In the foreground, Elena shrugs and replies, "Ehhhh, it's not all bad. Sometimes Zoe's closing manager gives us free pizza at the end of the night."

Page 81

Here's your bonus page!! Hope it was worth the wait from last week to get here. 😌