Page 83 of Keeping Time

Panel 1: Elena turns around, a raised eyebrow and smirk of judgement on her face, like she's just heard the quaintest thing. She beings to say, "Oh, how gentlemanly of you to offer. But I've been getting home just fine without a big, brave man to escort me. Besides."

Panel 2: Over Daniel's somewhat lost expression, her dialogue finishes, "Aren't you asking that question to the wrong person?"

Panel 3: Elena takes off, her hands in her pockets. "Have fun, kids!" she says, whistling. Time and physical distance in the panel separate her from the boys, who are having differing reactions to her departure. Denver watches her go over his shoulder, while Daniel looks away, still holding the straps of his backpack.

Panel 4: Now that Elena is gone, Denver glances towards Daniel, his expression soft.

Panel 5: Daniel looks unsure. He begins to say, "Um..."

Panel 6: Denver offers a hesitant smile of his own while he asks, "...Walk you home?"

Page 83

I don't know which martial arts Elena has a blackbelt in, but I'm pretty sure she has one, and I'm pretty sure she could wipe the floor with Denver any day of the week, but she'll let him have this one for now, if only because Daniel is more important than her pointing any of this out. 

Speaking of Denver, though, it is his canon birthday in four days, on March 22nd! I gotta sit down and draw some birthday art for him.

(Some folks have drawn some really lovely Denvers recently!! Find them in the Gift Art Gallery!)